Monday, 23 April 2012

Re-Creating Your Life Plan

Each and everyone have their own reasons for being happy. Many would tell you that being rich does not guarantee that you will be happy. Sometimes people with enough income are happier than those people who are earning more. This just shows that it is not only the amount of money that determines a person’s happiness but it also includes the person’s self worth, freedom, family and friends.

Happiness is based on a person’s contentment in life. If they prefer a simple life, they will be happier in having a job, enough income to support their family, and time to spend with their family. Happiness can be felt based on your expectations in life. If one or more of your expectations are not met, you tend to doubt yourself resulting to lower self-esteem. This will make you unhappy and may cause you to lose track of your goal.

Every person has his own life plan drawn out since childhood. Whether it is influenced by your parents, teachers and mentors, this plan is changing as the time goes by. The key to being happy is to have your own control of your destiny. It is not always about the money. Sometimes, it is about your confidence and your determination to be successful in life which will help you attain your happiness.

You are taught to work hard to earn money. But T. Harv Eker teaches a different thing. In his Millionaire Mind Intensive program, he teaches people to use money to be of service to other people. You have to condition your mindset that you are earning money not for the sake of having money but for serving your customers and assisting them in everything they need. This means you have to create a business that you believe has good quality products or services. A business that even you as the owner would like to have and know that will satisfy your customers’ needs. If you put all your efforts and passion on a business that you enjoy, the money you will be earning will just be a bonus. Your happiness lies on the customer satisfaction that you have achieved. If you are providing the right products and services and looks at your customer who are happy with your products and services, you get a boost of your self-esteem and will become more inspired in doing your work. Money will just be something that you get as a bonus for giving the best products and services.

So if you are now ready to venture into your happiness and know all the right things to adjust your life plan, you can join T. Harv Eker’s Miilionaire Mind Intensive. This event will guide you in making a new life plan and be free of financial problems and have a successful business.

Be happy, redraw your life plan and make a life changing decision, visit the website of Success Resourcesheaded by Richard Tan for more information on T. Harv Eker’s Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the statement that happiness is based on a person’s contentment in life. If you are not contented with what you already have then you won't be happy. Same as with your resume, work with it and be proud of your accomplishments. The right employer will hire you soon enough. Right?
