Tuesday 5 June 2012

Unleashing The Power Of Our Mind

It has been said that our brain is capable of such immense powers and that ordinary people use only ten percent of it. William Clement Stone, in his famous book “Success through a Positive Mental Attitude” quotes that ‘whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” This might be a kind of mind-boggling, but it is true. How do we “ordinary people” obtain this goal?

Tapping the power of the mind is not really a difficult task, as long as we know the techniques. It can even be enjoyable to practice them daily, with patience.

      1.      Visualize.

When you read something, a book or a magazine, try to imagine the scenery around it. Pretend it’s a movie. Watch the scenes, hear the sounds. Imagine the scents and feel the texture. This way, neural passages are created, stimulating brain cells. Visualize as many details as you can. This is a great memory booster.

2.      Rest.

A cellphone needs to be recharged when battery power runs out. Long usage and opening too many apps can drain its power. Like a cellphone, our minds need to recharge after long concentration. Closing our eyes and resting is the means to recharge it. Rest ten minutes after an hour of heavy mental task. Sleep at least six hours nightly to give your minds its much-needed rest.

Studies show that storing information in our long-term memory is a complex process, and it needs adequate sleep and rest to perform correctly.

3.      Use mnemonics.

Mnemonics is the art or practice of improving or aiding the memory. This is used in combination with visualization. Use the law of association to facilitate quicker recall. For example, you meet a woman named Angel Bender. In your mind, visualize an angel with her face bending over you. Another popular example is what your music teacher taught you: that the notes on the treble staff are EGBDF, which stands for Every Good Boy Does Fine.

4.      Mental Exercise.

Just as the brain needs rest, it also needs exercise. Like our bodies, our mind thrives in the alternate shifting of exercise and rest.

Trying something new and different will increase our mental flexibility, our reasoning capability, and memory hold. Try your hand at solving brain games like Sudoku or scrabble. Try also computer video games that stimulate our mental ability. A new set of neural pathways are created which can increase mind power.

5.       Be stress-free.

Physical, emotional, and mental stress can exact a heavy toll on our whole system. A little stress can prepare us for bigger challenges in life, but too much of it can be our enemy. Staying focused on a task while under stress decreases our capabilities and may produce unwanted results. Relax, and get into the habit of distressing yourself.

Interacting and socializing with family and friends is a good stress reliever. Lavish love on a pet. Take time to meditate. Spend an afternoon listening to your favorite music. These can soothe tense nerves and increase feelings of well-being that improves focus.

Sunday 3 June 2012

Keeping The Brain In Shape

Our brain is a very special organ in our body. Being the seat and center of our own universe, it needs special care to boost its potentials. How does one increase one’s mind power?

A. Diet and supplements

Just like any other part of our body, a healthy diet will be very beneficial. Foods considered as “brain food,” meaning foodstuff that can nourish and stimulate brain cells, are fish, green, leafy vegetables, nuts, lean meat, and olive oil. Many believe that almonds improve memory.

Ensure that your diet is rich in vitamins A, B complex, C, E, and folic acid. Supplements to consider are selenin and alpha-lipoic acid. They are known to be helpful in improving memory.

Be adventurous and try some tea. Tulsi tea, made from holy basil, and Indian herb, and ginseng tea are fine examples of herbs that keep you alert. They can help reduce cortisol, a stress-hormone that deters memory.

Popular herbal supplement  Ginkgo biloba is known to increase blood flow to the brain. Also helpful are St. John’s Wort and apple juice.

B. Daily exercise

A good dose of daily exercise is good not only to the muscles, but also to our brains. Take a twenty-minute walk with your favorite dog. Not only does it lift your spirit, it also keeps your blood flowing in your systems, including those tiny blood vessels in the brain. It makes us think clearly, too. Dance, jog, swim, weight-lift. The list of fun things to do is endless. Learning new steps and new movements activates our brain and form new neural connections.

After the exercise, don’t skip on the rest. Relaxation is just as good. Five to seven hours of restful sleep refreshes us with a joyful readiness to start the day right. It is relaxing for the body, mind, and spirit. “Power naps,” a 20-30 minute doze after lunch break, is believed to be beneficial to our productivity, because it improves and recharges the mind.

Other must-try’s:  meditation and yoga.  In the book “Your Maximum Mind” by Herbert Benson, an experiment was cited wherein group of students who were taught meditation was compared to another group who were not taught any meditation technique. The first group showed that they have a higher level of academic achievement and cognitive growth, through standard academic and psychological tests.

C. Keeping Mentally Active

Keeping ourselves mentally stimulated will sharpen our memories and keep our brain agile. Solving puzzles, writing, and word games are good examples. Learn a foreign language or an instrument. Memorize the names and faces of new acquaintances. Play Scrabble, Pictionary, or Boggle. Reach for your computer and search out for video games that offer brain teasers. Who says they’re only for children? They are useful in keeping our motor and neural nerves active.

Like our muscles, our brain needs exercise and a period of rest after some activity. This is important to give it time to process any incoming information and organize it within. That way, we can access any info with ease when we need to recall.

Tips In Upgrading Our Body’s Mental Processor

That super computer between our ears called the human brain can slow down and lag if we do not take care of it. Actually, we can reverse the process of deterioration and decline, and boost its capacity to a greater potential by revving up with the following tips:

Get the right exercise. Physical activity is great for the heart, the muscles, and the brain. Regular exercise stimulates the production of new brain cells and reinforces their interconnection. It keeps blood pumping and oxygen flowing to the tiny vessels of the brain, which will result in our mental alertness.

Walk around the block, notice the sights, sounds, and scents. These details reawaken the visual and aural parts of our brain, as well as our memory.

Have a good night’s rest. Five to seven hours of sleep gives our brains the relaxation in needs to consolidate the memories and the data input for the day. Sleep deprivation will affect our mental functions.

Never skip breakfast. This is the most important meal of the day, as it provides the body and mind with sufficient energy to sustain through the day. Chew your food well. Researches reveal that slow chewing elevates the heart rate, and thus pushing more oxygen to the brain. Chewing releases insulin, which in turn stimulates the memory function.

Munch on walnuts. The Omega-3 found in them is linked to the maintenance of our brain functions. Rolled oats with cinnamon makes a good brainy breakfast combination. Grab some fruit instead of candy. An elevated blood sugar can impede brain cell movements.

Avoid chronic stress. While a small dose of stress is useful in increasing our coping mechanism, long term physical and mental exposure can be damaging to our brain cells.

Get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Redecorate your bedroom. Plant new flowers in your garden. Rearrange the furniture in the living room. These activities keep our brain cells active and moving.

Learn to play a musical instrument or learn a foreign language. Not only are they fun, they prevent boredom and discourage our brain cells to atrophy.

Who says games are only for children? Look around and there are a lot of games that are mentally stimulating. Computer games, board games, word games, have your pick.

Avoid going overboard with your temper. A lot of chain reaction ensues, like strained relationships and misunderstandings that can trigger more conflict. A lot happens inside us, too. It affects our heart, our digestive system, our outlook, and shrinks our memory center. Cool down and address the problem before you erupt.

Take your siesta guilt-free. Power naps consisting of 20 – 30 minutes after lunch spells a lot of difference in terms of productivity and mental function

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Tips on Handling your Financial Security by Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, says that riches can be easily achieved by people who are determined to make their own path. He learned this from his father’s wealthy friend. He started making his own path and be responsible for his own finances. He published his own book, “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, and made his own campaign in a garage in his friend’s house. Some this humble beginning, the book sales increased and become one of the best-sellers for years.

Robert shares that not all of his business ventures are successful and that they are no guarantees when you invest on a business or be an entrepreneur. But if you want to have a better financial security, you have to learn a few things:

a)    Will your money be used when you retire or to be used for your savings plan?
b)    Bond’s safety may be deceptive
c)     The positive and negative aspects of saving your money in banks and other traditional institutions. Discover how is your money affected in times of inflation and what are the factors that affects your investments in mutual funds.

To sum it all, you have to be familiar with all the advantages and disadvantages of being responsible for your own financial security. If you do not have all the information you needed, you may be unsuccessful in your investment and will make you financially unsecured.

Robert suggests investing money on real assets like gold, silver and oil. He says to avoid investing on stocks, bonds, real-estate, savings or mutual funds. And before you invest, you have to check everything and consult qualified professionals that can guarantee your investment success.

But before asking your questions, be sure you already have some basic knowledge about your investment. This will aid you in understanding the complicated things during the discussion and you can even clarify some of the things you learn from the experts.

Do not be afraid to take risks. Take advantage of any opportunity that comes your way. Do not wait for other people to be successful. If you wait, you will realize that someone has already taken the place where you should have been. Be one of those who risk and started their business and become successful. Learn more about investments and get all your details. If you have the right knowledge and the determination you are be guaranteed of your success.

To get more advice and help you in getting a clearer path to your financial security, visit Success Resources. Richard Tan heads Success Resources and organizes events where Robert Kiyosaki inspires participants in making their own way to financial security. Just visit Success Resources website and register to one of the events where Robert Kiyosaki is the speaker and be inspired.

Monday 23 April 2012

Re-Creating Your Life Plan

Each and everyone have their own reasons for being happy. Many would tell you that being rich does not guarantee that you will be happy. Sometimes people with enough income are happier than those people who are earning more. This just shows that it is not only the amount of money that determines a person’s happiness but it also includes the person’s self worth, freedom, family and friends.

Happiness is based on a person’s contentment in life. If they prefer a simple life, they will be happier in having a job, enough income to support their family, and time to spend with their family. Happiness can be felt based on your expectations in life. If one or more of your expectations are not met, you tend to doubt yourself resulting to lower self-esteem. This will make you unhappy and may cause you to lose track of your goal.

Every person has his own life plan drawn out since childhood. Whether it is influenced by your parents, teachers and mentors, this plan is changing as the time goes by. The key to being happy is to have your own control of your destiny. It is not always about the money. Sometimes, it is about your confidence and your determination to be successful in life which will help you attain your happiness.

You are taught to work hard to earn money. But T. Harv Eker teaches a different thing. In his Millionaire Mind Intensive program, he teaches people to use money to be of service to other people. You have to condition your mindset that you are earning money not for the sake of having money but for serving your customers and assisting them in everything they need. This means you have to create a business that you believe has good quality products or services. A business that even you as the owner would like to have and know that will satisfy your customers’ needs. If you put all your efforts and passion on a business that you enjoy, the money you will be earning will just be a bonus. Your happiness lies on the customer satisfaction that you have achieved. If you are providing the right products and services and looks at your customer who are happy with your products and services, you get a boost of your self-esteem and will become more inspired in doing your work. Money will just be something that you get as a bonus for giving the best products and services.

So if you are now ready to venture into your happiness and know all the right things to adjust your life plan, you can join T. Harv Eker’s Miilionaire Mind Intensive. This event will guide you in making a new life plan and be free of financial problems and have a successful business.

Be happy, redraw your life plan and make a life changing decision, visit the website of Success Resourcesheaded by Richard Tan for more information on T. Harv Eker’s Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Preview Of What Happens In An Ultimate Internet Bootcamp Event With Success Resources

Ultimate Internet Boot Camp

Success Resources (Richard Tan, CEO) presents you Ultimate Internet Boot Camp. At the Ultimate Internet Boot Camp top experts in Internet business will walk you through their proven methodology for making passive income online. Come in with nothing – no product, no experience, and no technology know-how – and leave five days later with your own real online business.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Success Resources: Unlimited Power with Anthony Robbins

(CEO, Richard Tan) Success Resources organizes events that educate individuals to develop their personal skills, discover talents and use them to create globally competitive businesses. Richard Tan of Success Resources believes that every person has the power to change and succeed in business. Whether a person has money to invest or have only the skills to be successful. To continue motivating individuals to pursue their goals and be competitive globally, Richard Tan of Success Resources organized the event entitled Unlimited Power.

Unlimited Power was organized by Success Resources to let Anthony Robbins share his expert opinion on how to make you successful in life. Anthony Robbins believes that each individual has the power to turn their life around. Having unlimited power means using the knowledge you have learned and putting them into actions. Anthony Robbins will also discuss the importance of communication in attaining this power. Each participant will learn the importance of knowing what you wanted to achieve in order to plan for your success. Once you have a clearer view of the outcome you wanted, you can then plot your business plan. Each participant will also be taught how to understand and interpret feedbacks and responses that they will be encountering. This will give them an idea how to solve problems and how to react to other people’s criticisms. Furthermore, Anthony Robbins will also discuss how to make flexible changes to your plan. Your first strategy might not give you the best outcome. In order to achieve your goal, you have to switch to another strategy. Aside from these strategies, attending Ultimate Power will introduce you to different qualities that you need to have for you to be successful. This includes passion for your work, belief that you will achieve your goal, organizing resources, outlining your business based on your values, building harmonious relationship with your partners and co-workers, keeping your energy to its maximum and how to communicate properly. Learning these things will help you in reaching your goal and be globally competitive.

With this event, Ultimate Power, organized by  (CEO, Richard Tan) Success Resources, you will be able to take charge of your business and get your mind to focus on achieving your goal with the guidance of your core values. You will also discover what your goal is and be able to communicate it effectively to your partners, co-workers and employees. Making them understand your goal will give them the motivation to do good and perform at their best. Lastly, you will discover your strength and weaknesses. You will know what drives you to succeed and avoid things that you know will let your down. By the end of the event, you will be able to create a successful business that will also help other people achieve their dreams.